
AGM 2017 minutes


At our AGM last month, the minutes of the AGM 2017 were agreed by those present. The minutes can be downloaded below.

Adapt (NE) Minutes – AGM 2017

Annual General Meeting 2018


Our AGM this year takes place on Wednesday 14 November. This is a chance for members to hear about our work over the last 12 months and to meet our board and staff. Our latest annual report will be available on the day.

Tea and coffee will be served from 10.30am with the meeting starting at 11.00am. The meeting will be followed by complimentary refreshments.

We are also holding an information morning in the resource centre on that day, with stands from local organisations who will be sharing advice and information on their services. This is open to to the general public as well as those attending the AGM.

If you have not yet had a chance to visit our community cafe, Cafe @ Burn Lane, we would love to show you around during your visit.

Please let us know if you can attend by calling the office on 01434 600599 before Monday 5th November. Transport can be provided on request. We do hope you can join us.

Adapt (NE) invited to PM’s Social Enterprise Roundtable


Director of Adapt (NE), Liz Prudhoe, was invited to speak at Downing Street last month at a special roundtable for heads of social enterprises. The event, organised by Lord Bird, founder of The Big Issue, was a chance for leading individuals from social enterprises across a range of sectors to discuss how the government can protect and expand the role social enterprises can and should play in the public service economy.

Liz (pictured back, centre) was asked to speak about the difference Adapt (NE) is making in improving the quality of life for those with a disability, and those with mobility restrictions due to living in remote locations and limited access to public transport.

She says, “It was a privilege to be asked to attend this event focusing on social enterprises. As a small but growing organisation, the roundtable was an opportunity to demonstrate the significant role Adapt (NE) plays in the local community and economy. We were able to showcase the broad portfolio of services we offer, from transport to advocacy, and from equipment loan to the new community café at our Burn Lane site”.