
SpeakUp2020 in the Healthwatch Northumberland Survey

Healthwatch Northumberland has a survey each year, asking about your health and social care experiences in the previous 12 months. It might be a new year but your experiences from 2019 still matter. You can feed back as a patient or carer.

By sharing what went well for you, what might be improved and what is important to you, you can help the team set work priorities for the coming year and help make a difference to care services locally.

Share your views online or call 03332 408468 for a postal copy with freepost return.

More about Healthwatch Northumberland and how you can get involved.

This survey has now closed.

Healthwatch Northumberland Conference

The Healthwatch Northumberland Conference 2019 is at The Phoenix Theatre in Blyth on Wednesday 16 October. Healthwatch Northumberland is the independent champion for people who use NHS and social care services. The Conference will include listening workshops, films and guest speakers on the areas of health and social care people in Northumberland said were most important to them – mental health, GP services, access to services and dementia. The event is free and there’ll be an ‘information buffet’ providing information on local health and support services, a free raffle, plus lunch and refreshments will be provided. This is your chance to share your experiences with those that provide them and find out what’s available locally.

A free bus will be available from Hexham – please call the team to book: 03332 408468.


Come and join in the community conversation about your local health and social care services.


Workshops and talks include:

Health Checks – why aren’t more people taking up these

Substance Misuse  – assessing local needs

Primary Care Networks – more about how GP surgeries are working together

Patient Participation Groups – how to get more involved with your local surgery

Social Prescribing – how community-based services can help with health issues

A Space at the Table – Real life experiences of those caring for loved ones with dementia

Singing workshop – a fun feel-good session from a local group which runs sessions for those with memory loss

Dementia-friendly ambulances – how listening to patients has led to innovative new dementia-friendly vehicles


If you live or work in Northumberland and are interested in NHS, health and social care services we think you’ll enjoy this event.


This event has now passed.