
AGM 2023 and Annual Report

Thank you to everyone who came along to our AGM 2023 on 24 November. We were joined by cafe customers and transport passengers, along with our board members and representatives of local organisations. Director Liz Prudhoe gave an overview of the year across all areas of operation, including Healthwatch Northumberland, advocacy, transport, Cafe @ Burn Lane and Social Prescribing Services. She said “We are happy to be able to continue providing services that align with our values and aims of improving the quality of life for local people.”

Liz also spoke about the plans for developing community cafe, Cafe @ Burn Lane, which may include extra provision for local groups outside of usual opening hours. Keep an eye on the website and our social media for more details.

Chair of the Adapt (NE) Board, Lorraine Hershon said that Adapt continues to go from strength to strength, and she thanked all of Adapt’s members, customers and supporters, saying that without them Adapt wouldn’t exist.

Read Adapt (NE)’s Annual Report for 2022/23.

Pictured are left to right: Lorraine Hershon, Chair, Liz Prudhoe, Director, and Annie Bishop, Vice Chair