About us


We began in 1995 as a community group (then known as Action by Differently Abled People in Tynedale or A.D.A.P.T.) aiming to ‘improve the quality of life of disabled people’ by promoting better access to services. The first priorities identified were difficulties in accessing buildings and a lack of accessible transport; therefore the first projects developed were an access group and a community transport project.

In recognition of the access needs of geographically isolated people, our aim was expanded to include people disadvantaged by lack of public transport in a rural location. In 2007 we widened our area of operation to the North East and changed our name to Adapt (North East) to reflect our region-wide work in developing community transport.

Our timeline

  • 2008

    In 2008 we secured the host role for the Northumberland LINk.

  • 2010

    In 2010 we were presented with the Community Transport Association’s Best Rural Community Transport Award.

  • 2012

    In 2012 Director Liz Prudhoe won the award for Best Social Enterprise in the North East, Woman of the Year Awards.

  • 2013

    In 2013 we secured the contract to host and deliver Healthwatch Northumberland.

    We moved to Burn Lane and developed the Enterprise Hub – all nine units are occupied, with a mixture of workshop and office space.

  • 2018

    Community cafe, Cafe @ Burn Lane opened in April this year, providing a hub for local individuals and groups to get together. With free parking, internet access and Changing Places toilet, the cafe is fully accessible.