
AGM- Thank you

We invited those who work closely with Adapt (NE) and people who use our services to come along to our AGM on Thursday 17 December. Director Liz Prudhoe made introductions and apologies, then the minutes of last year’s meeting were agreed, the accounts for the year were presented and trustees were nominated.

Chair of the board of trustees, Lorraine Hershon, said that Adapt had built on its past successes, offering more services to the council during the pandemic and is in a good position going forward.

Liz gave an overview of the year, from all parts of the organisation including advocacy, transport, Healthwatch Northumberland, Cafe @ Burn Lane and social prescribing.

Guest speaker Emma Richardson from Northumberland County Council then spoke about the council’s response to the pandemic through the work of Northumberland Communities Together, and thanked Adapt (NE) for being a strong and reliable partner.

Thank you to everyone who attended.

Read the minutes of the AGM 2020.