AGM- Thank you

We invited those who work closely with Adapt (NE) and people who use our services to come along to our AGM on Thursday 17 December. Director Liz Prudhoe made introductions and apologies, then the minutes of last year’s meeting were agreed, the accounts for the year were presented and trustees were nominated.

Chair of the board of trustees, Lorraine Hershon, said that Adapt had built on its past successes, offering more services to the council during the pandemic and is in a good position going forward.

Liz gave an overview of the year, from all parts of the organisation including advocacy, transport, Healthwatch Northumberland, Cafe @ Burn Lane and social prescribing.

Guest speaker Emma Richardson from Northumberland County Council then spoke about the council’s response to the pandemic through the work of Northumberland Communities Together, and thanked Adapt (NE) for being a strong and reliable partner.

Thank you to everyone who attended.

Read the minutes of the AGM 2020.

Join us for our AGM 2020

Thursday 17 December, 11.00am

Our AGM is a chance to find out more about our work over the last 12 months, in transport, advocacy, Healthwatch Northumberland, the community cafe and more. You can also find out about our plans into 2021. Like other organisations, we have had to move our AGM online this year, in light of the coronavirus pandemic. We will hold the AGM via Zoom – if you would like to join us please email:

This event has now passed.

Update on our services

Since the start of lockdown at the end of March, most of the team here at Adapt (NE) have continued to work from home. Our advocacy service has been as busy as ever, providing support remotely to people across the county through our NHS, Care Act, Relevant Person Representative, Independent Mental Health and Independent Mental Capacity advocacy services.

Healthwatch Northumberland’s information and signposting service has been busy helping people find out about changes to services, where to get support locally and listening to people’s experiences of health and social care. The team are holding some online public forums starting from this week, and you can find out how to get involved here.

We are looking at ways we might be able to safely provide the dial-a-ride transport service again in the future. We have been able to help a number of people get to urgent hospital appointments where they have been unable to access any other transport. This was done following social distancing guidelines on our vehicles. If you have issues with getting to medical appointments we might be able to help so do get in touch.

Through our facilities at Café @ Burn Lane we have been able to provide space for volunteers to produce freshly cooked meals for members of both Corbridge and Allendale Lunch Clubs. These have been well received and we’re very pleased to have been able to help. The café will have to stay closed for now until we receive further advice from the government. Although we are permitted to open for take away food, we recognise that there are plenty of businesses in the area providing this service and we have decided not to take custom away from those already offering these services.

We have taken the decision to de-register as a provider of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, as we need individuals to visit us at our offices to do this. With staff working from home and social distancing measures in place for some time to come, we feel we can no longer offer this service. Any DBS checks that are currently being processed will be completed. There are many online DBS services which will be able to help if you need one.

SpeakUp2020 in the Healthwatch Northumberland Survey

Healthwatch Northumberland has a survey each year, asking about your health and social care experiences in the previous 12 months. It might be a new year but your experiences from 2019 still matter. You can feed back as a patient or carer.

By sharing what went well for you, what might be improved and what is important to you, you can help the team set work priorities for the coming year and help make a difference to care services locally.

Share your views online or call 03332 408468 for a postal copy with freepost return.

More about Healthwatch Northumberland and how you can get involved.

This survey has now closed.

Community Information Morning February 2020

Call in to our next Community Information Morning where you can pick up advice and information about health, wellbeing, transport, money and things going on in your area. This time we have Tynedale Hospice at Home, Northumberland Cancer Support Group, Alzheimers Society, Action on Hearing Loss, Healthwatch Northumberland and Macular Society coming along, plus help around Attendance Allowance and also Support Planners from Northumbria Healthcare.
Join us for a cuppa and a piece of cake in the Resource Room – just through the door from Cafe @ Burn Lane.


Adapt (NE) Community Information Morning

Wednesday 19 February 2020, 10.30am – 12.30pm

Adapt (NE), Burn Lane, Hexham NE46 3HN

Free entry, all welcome!


This event has now passed.