Animated Countdown
The animated countdown allows you to set a date in the future and display a block of numbers that is counting down each second, minute or hour.
The element got several predefined styles that you can choose from such as a default style or transparent light or dark styles that work well when used above images or colourful content.
Below you can see a countdown element inside a content column with a light blue background. The countdown is set to display as white and transparent.
Adapt (NE)
Adapt (NE) is a registered charity, a company limited by guarantee and a social enterprise which is managed by a Trustee Board of volunteers with a wide range of areas of expertise.
We are a community-based organisation providing services to people in North East England with the aim of promoting an inclusive society.
Where to find us
Adapt (North East)
Burn Lane
NE46 3HN
Registered Charity Number 1072632. Member of RADAR. Company Limited by Guarantee Number 3604980
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Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday & Sunday: closed